Declare Params

You can declare float, bool and string params, which can be called from other triggers.

For example, this will create the Intensity float param:

import { scripter } from "vam-scripter";

let intensity = scripter.declareFloatParam({
    name: "Intensity",
    min: 0,
    max: 1,
    onChange: value => {
        console.log("Intensity is now: " + value);

If you need to update the value, you can declare the param and listen to the event separately:

import { scripter } from "vam-scripter";

let intensity = scripter.declareFloatParam({
    name: "Intensity",
    default: 0,
    min: 0,
    max: 1,
    constrain: true

intensity.onChange(value => {
    intensity.valNoCallback = Math.round(value);